Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jamun jam

Ripe jamun: 250gm (about 25nos, washed well)
Sugar: 250gm
Apple: quarter of a fruit cut into half inch pieces
A squeeze of limes
A pinch of finely ground fennel
In a clean stainless steel pan with a thick base, place the jamuns along with the sugar and stir till the jamuns start to soften. Add the pieces of apple. Heat on a medium flame. cover for a few minutes as the juice is released and the sugar acquires a mauve tinge. As the jamuns soften, mash them. within a few minutes, the juice will have been released completely, and the seeds can be removed. Add about half a teaspoon of lime juice. Cover over medium heat till the mixture begins to froth. Add a pinch of finely ground saun (fennel seeds) as the mixture begins to thicken. the jam should have reached a non-runny stage with in 15 minutes. Take the pan off the fire and bottle immediately in clean, sterilized jars. Leave a quarter inch of space at the top of the bottle. Insert two rounds of butter paper into the lid and cover immediately while hot.

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